Saturday, February 21, 2009

Or maybe she won't...

February 20th is officially over and we remain babyless. Turns out Miranda didn't get to start on the Pitocin until about 10pm, rather than the 10am or earlier that we were hoping for. The first 12 hour dose of Cervidil failed to soften the cervix, so another 12 hour dose was administered.

Despite the longer than expected time spent in the hospital, the lack of sleep and the extreme frustration of the past 24+ hours, I'm feeling pretty excited. The Pitocin is in and the contractions are ramping up. Of course, this means Miranda is not feeling so much excitement as she is feeling pain.

Luckily, this means there is little possibility that we'll be waiting another day. Hayley should arrive exactly on her due date. Go Hayley! It's your birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is BEAUTIFUL!!! Worth the wait - though you are exhausted now, I know you must also be thrilled. Thank you SO much for the photo... even up here in the mountains, when no other text can get through, Hayley did!! Love to you all, mama, daddy and baby girl.
Great Auntie Sue