Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy First Father's Day!

Dear Hayley,

Today is Father's Day which means we're going to make sure your daddy knows just how fantastic he is and how much we love him. To get you in the spirit of things I've made a handy little list of just a few of the reasons you're going to be the luckiest girl on the block:
  1. Your father is NEVER going to say no when you ask him to play with you. Even if you invite him to your tea party with Love Bug during the final game of the World Series.
  2. Daddy's already writing you a song. How cool is that??
  3. He likes to fly you around as Super Baby while you go around saving the world. I'm pretty sure he'll always be willing to be your sidekick.
  4. He CAN NOT WAIT to help you discover the world as you grow. And homework? He's all over it.
  5. The guy can change a diaper like an absolute champ.
  6. He's the most patient person I know.
  7. You'll never have to ask him twice when you want to play a video game. Ditto for when you want Panda Express for dinner.
  8. He ALREADY gets up to watch Saturday morning cartoons with you.
  9. Above all, he just wants you to be happy and he'll do whatever it takes to keep that big goofy smile of yours on your face.
And just so Daddy doesn't get all the attention around here I'm throwing in one reason you're going to think I'm pretty cool, too:
  1. I chose him for us.
And it was the best thing I ever did.



Geoff, thank you for being all I ever dreamed of.


Geoff said...

I'm speechless. Seriously.

Turfdad said...

OMG, you two need to get a room!

mrs.notouching said...

Very, very sweet.

Miranda said...

Inspired by She Likes Purple.